Pop Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House

Park Avenue Elementary School collects pop tabs for the local Ronald McDonald House. We are very close to filling our first box of the year, and we need your help.

Ronald McDonald Houses collect pop tabs instead of entire aluminum cans because it’s more hygienic to store tabs than cans, and collection and storage is easier.  The program is an easy way for people of all ages to support RMHC and know they are making a difference for families and children. After the tabs are collected, the local RMHC Chapter brings the collection to local recycling centers, where they are weighed to determine their value.  The recycling center then sends the local RMHC Chapter a check for the total value. While it does vary by Chapter, RMHC Upper Midwest raises approximately $30,000 a year through their pop tab program. Now that is a lot of pop tabs!

Did you ever think it could be so easy to help families in need? Bring your pop can tabs to the Park Avenue office.

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